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Calling All Operators

August 31 @ 09:30 16:00 EDT

Welcome to this Summer’s 2 part Mil-Sim. 4 teams will play the part of combatant and LRRP in a 60 acre mission of survival.


Situation:  24 hours ago an CZ Airsoft pilot was shot down and  is being held  by combatants. With the pilot were several key points of intel that have contain sensitive information.

Mission: Your team will conduct a recon operations along 10 nav points. Recover any intel possible and extract the pilot to the landing zone for extraction.

Execution: LRRP Team A will insert at E14 and search for 9 objectives Identified on the map. Eliminate all hostiles in accordance of the ROE. Return to LZ for extract. Objectives are to reached in any order the team defines.

E14 LZ Insert

E14 LZ Extract

Administration: LRRP will consist of TL, ATL, Medic 1 Medic 2, Radio 1, Radio 2 and members. Each team member will have a designated coin that if captured will surrender before returning to base. Each member will have 0 respawns but a 5 minute bleed out for a medic to assist and revive. Wounded may simulate being dragged out of the line of fire.  Medics have limited supplies to heal wounded. Resupply will be at a designated check point. Members that bleed out must return to the extract point. A coin can only be collected during the 5 minute period and if  obtained the member is immediately terminated. Coins can only be collected from a LRRP member until they have reached the main road. Those members that have been terminated and retain their coin will return to the LZ and await further instructions. Those that have lost their coin will return the CZCOM area and receive further instructions. (you are not done for the day– that would be silly now  wouldn’t it)

Members are to bring what supplies they can carry. A cache may be stored at a secure location to resupply by. These will be dropped prior to insertion. There will also be a radio tuned to support if you have supplies on the resupply vehicle that will also have limited water supplies and any gear you have put there.

Note: LRRP Team A and B will also be working a separate operations in the same theater. Beware of friendly assets as you may be working on similar objective zones. Your  missions are not the same minus the insert and extraction points.  

Command and Control: LRRPs will be designated by a yellow band on each arm or visible to any person 360 degrees. TL and ATL will have Red bands on their Left armMedics will have a Blue band on their Right arm. Radio operators will have a silver band on their Back. All other members are not required to have additional bands unless they are stepping in for a missing element.  Chips to coordinate with unit status will also be issued to members of the LRRP. Non Key personnel will have no chip with them.

LRRPs will be designated by a yellow band on each arm or visible to any person 360 degrees. TL and ATL will have Red bands on their Left arm. Medics will have a Blue band on their Right arm. Radio operators will have a silver band on their Back. All other members are not required to have additional bands unless they are stepping in for a missing element.  Chips to coordinate with unit status will also be issued to members of the LRRP. Non Key personnel will have no chip with them.

Radio channels for internal communications will be established by team leadership. All communications with CZCOM will be on a predesignated circuit that will be provided prior to insert. If this channel is lost there is a radio located at the G6 Supply checkpoint that will  connect to CZCOM for any order updates and for your unit to provide a SitRep.

Rules of Engagement: The ROE are that all combatants are carrying rifles. You may only engage a target if they have engaged you. Any non-combatant loss will be counted against your final outcome as well as encouraging more of the population to shift against your team. Personnel carrying pistols are not considered combatants unless they are in direct contact with you.  Stealth is the primary mission to achieve. Once your team has arrived at the extract point your call to CZCOM will end your mission for extraction.

Medic and Healing Rules: Medics will have a limited number of medic supplies. 1 Per man in team plus 2. When these supplies run out there is a resupply point at your teams rest stop designated on the map. Medics may heal at their discretion to whom ever needs attention. Should a medic be captured and their medallion surrendered they are removed from play.  To Heal a wounded member the medic will place a medic band on the subject and count to 60 once it is on while placing both hands on the victim.

RED & Blue Cell Insurgency

Defend your zones

When you respawn you will go to your alternate zone start point after respawning

Respawn Zone is marked in Red with Yellow boundary and is out of bounds area for the LRRP teams.  Respawn time is 2 minutes.

Likewise areas in Yellow are off limits to combatants.

Each zone has points of interest that can be defended at your discretion.

Combatants are to hold their areas to the point of overwhelming force. You are only to hold them back with a moderate resistance. Specific areas will require harder resistance.

The ROE is that LRRP may not attack unless engaged first and combatants are identified as those carrying rifles. Those with pistols only are to considered civilian unless they engage or pick up a rifle. Rifle and pistol    carriers may be detained in submission until the LRRP has passed.

LRRP will call for a guns down or    surrender for a peaceful solution. If a combatant or civilian submits a guard must be present to oversee the group.

Submission is recognized as a hands up gesture to not fight. Once detained   combatants must submit by sitting  on the ground with guns down. However, outside forces may engage.

LRRP will have medics in play to be aware of. LRRP members have a bleed out time of 5 minutes. During this time they may be captured to an instant kill and must turn over their command coin. Captures are allowed up until the player reaches the main road after a bleed out period.

To capture the combatant declares “Captured” and places both hands on the LRRP member.      

The Greentop with tower is a Dead zone to combatants. The Tower represents a hovering gunship once a LRRP member has reached the Greentop and they are safe. 

Downtime: Players needing a break may break off at anytime if they require a break from the game. Capture rules are in play until you reach the main road or safe point. To re-enter the scenario check into CZCOM and assistance will be provided to put you back with your team as close as possible.

At the end of each set there will be a 30 minute resupply break and a mid-day lunch break for 1 hour.

$30 Admission