- This event has passed.
Operation Crusader VII – Conquest
March 16, 2024 @ 09:30 – 17:00 EDT
CZ’s annual Crusade continues with an all day swap meet and MilSim-Light
There will be 5 Teams that will consist of 10 players each.
Teams will be marked Blue, Green, Purple, Red and Yellow. The first 10 to each team will receive the Crusader VII patch to match their team. Get your tickets now: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/operation-crusader-vii-conquest-tickets-845968985007

Anyone wishing to participate Swap Meet personnel can set up in the staging area and set up as early as you need. You must provide your own table (and covering if needed).
- Check in begins at 0930
- Chrono Opens at 0945 – 1030 Chrono will close at 1031 and reopen after the briefing.
- Safety /Game Brief: 1030-1100 Bear in mind this take a few minutes to get through. and we will get going as fast as we can.
Each team must designate 1 leader, 1 asst. Team leader 2 medics and 2 couriers. Once done check in with officials for marking and to receive first orders. Once an order has been completed team leaders can either call for verification by an Official or send a Courier to find an Official. Once a mission or task has been accomplished teams are to proceed to the Neutral Zone for further orders. Taskings and orders are worth points and will be tallied at the end of the day.
It is HIGHLY SUGGESTED to have this equipment to be successful in this operation.
- Notebook and writing instrument (that’s military speak for pen or pencil)
- Radio (Baofeng seem to be the universally accepted radio of airsofters (CZ, Staff and team frequencies are on these) but, Motorola radios work among teams)
- CZ can program your radio for team channels but either arrive early or expect to get a late start if you wait.
- If you are coordinating with your team you might want to have the same uniform items.
- CZ Player waiver must be completed for admission. See Player Waiver Page
1st Block MilSim: 1030ish Establish bases, Recon elements, Begin seizure missions, secure border regions.
Chow Break / Swap meet 1330 – Eat, Drink and be reloading while looking at some of the gear that we all have to barter with.
2nd Block MilSim 1415 Push out to complete objectives and seizures. Secure operational zones
3rd Block MilSim 1500 Forces will push to eliminate all other groups until only one stands.
EndEx 1630 – Gather the fallen and prepare funeral pyres
Raffles and shenanigans 1700
Online Entry Fee: $45 // Walk Ons will be $55
Rentals: $25
Lunch will be available on site during the break.
Tickets are available now: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/operation-crusader-vii-conquest-tickets-845968985007

/// RFHT ///
/// ALL TEAMS ///
/// R 131345Z MAR ///
/// TO ALL TEAMS ///
/// WD GRNC ///
/// BT ///
/// UNCLAS ///
/// BT ///
HVTs of the Team
Commander, Medics (2) and a Runner
Commanding Officer will direct his forces from their Base HQ. They will be the primary communicator to the COMMAND via the CMD frequency of 433.532 for all mission information and orders. CO’s will also be elected at an adhoc Field Marshal or appoint a team member (must be 18yrs of age) and report to CZ COMMAND before game start.
MEDIC: each team will have two medics that will work to keep their team members revived during the battle. Medics will earn points for each band they collect and turn in to a REF during the day.
Runner: The second most important position on the team. Runners are responsible for taking tokens or making physical contact with the COMMAND HQ throughout the day and relaying messages and missions.
- Each will be given a shoulder flash to identify them as that position. These must be displayed while carrying out your responsibilities of the team. WARNING! These can be captured by other teams but will be returned to the team once they are turned in.If an officer is tagged by an opposing team while your dead rag is out or you are in a dead status they must surrender their flash without question before they return to their base.
Thus the medic rules below:
MEDIC RULES: Have been presented in previous message. Clarification to RULE goes as follows:
- EACH TEAM MEMBER will have two white bands wrapped to either arm or both. These will be utilized when a medic comes to revive you on the battlefield by untying it and collecting it. Once untied you are revived and back into the game.
- When a player is hit they have a bleed out period that they must stay in place for 2 minutes if they have a medic band. If you no longer have a band on you may return to your Base HQ for respawn.
**NOTE: you might wish to mark your band with a color. To be explained below.
- MEDICS earn points for every band they collect and turn into a ref during the day.Once turned in these bands will go back to the respawn area to be reused by players.
- Medics can revive ANY player on the field to receive their points. In doing so they may not be killed or captured by their patient for 60 seconds after the act has been completed but, can be killed or captured by any other player during this time.
AMMO and GUN Restrictions
- All guns will need to be chrono’d prior to the safety briefing. Any that are not done will wait to enter the field until the station can be manned again.
- All guns will be marked with a ticker that identifies their FPS/J rating so that refs in game play can spot check players randomly throughout the day.
- ALL ammo rules are listed on the CZ Airsoft Policy Page.
- Machinegun rules are in effect for this game. All guns with a ammo capacity or capability over 1000 rounds are considered a crew served weapon. Crew served meaning it takes two players to operate and maneuver when this weapon system is in play. Should one go down the weapon is out of play. As this is a two-person element, when one player goes down the other may protect during the bleed out period for a medic to revive.
- All ammo over .42 must be cleared with CZ Staff prior to chrono.
- Gun hits count as a hit and you are down.
Hit Calling
- Keep in mind that this is a medic rule game and players may experience more than their share of being hit while in a bleed out period. Hence the importance of having a DEAD RAG out for everyone to see on you to notify players you are down and of the game.
- A hit is a hit is a hit. If in doubt call it out and if the bb comes so close to offend your feelings you need to consider yourself hit.
- Safety kills are highly encouraged at all times but the recipient does not have to accept and may attempt to escape.
- If the players are within 15 feet of each other it is single fire only and only to the back and chest.
Game Play – The stuff you really want to know and pay attention to
There are 11 missions to complete. Some are timed and some are just to complete. Should your team find that they are unable to complete a mission the CO will call the CMD frequency 433.532 and notify their situation. A time and point penalty will be issued and a sub objective will be issued to complete. Sub missions are random objectives that can range on anything but carry little point value.
Only RUNNERS can collect the next mission. To complete a mission Runners will take their mission card back to COMMAND. DO NOT LOSE THE MISSION CARD. You can also take a snap shot of the card to relay to your CO or call it in over your team frequency. Without the card the Team Runner will receive a time a point penalty to receive the next mission. (15 minutes and -20 points).
Refs are not COMMAND but some missions require you to find a ref. These occurrences allow the CO to contact Command and have a ref deploy to their position.
Your possible missions and objectives in no set order are :
ET Phone Home Finders Keepers Gotta Get Outta Here
Hot Box Ammo Run Big Blue
Take it and Go Ba Da Boom Territory Terror
Tool Time Get Off My Lawn Message to Garcia
Moving Day Head Hunter Know When to Hold ‘em
Blockade Saving Private Bones Special Delivery
REDRUM End of Days Find and Recover
Yes, there are more than 11 here. Some are Objectives and not Missions. All are worth points for completion.
Refs will randomly select an objective for a team to complete in addition to the ongoing mission.
Frequencies and Radios
No frequency scanning is allowed. Even if you can do it we ask you to keep this fair and amicable for all teams to conduct their missions with no interference. With that in mind here are some key points you should consider in your traffic.
- Choose a 12 and 6 o’clock direction and stay with it for giving directions.
- Use call signs or code for communications
- Stay off your frequencies unless you need to pass information. Calling for help is good once but if you keep talking it prevents others from talking to get to you.
- Have an alternate frequency planned in the event of the last point becomes a problem.
- Have a post card to record frequencies on for those with the ability to use multiple channels or frequencies.
The COMMAND Freq 433.532 is not a public access channel. Teams are not to use this to communicate with each other. Should this become a problem Command will issue a warning and if that is ignored will turn this frequency off and switch to another. This alternate frequency will be delivered via messenger to your command area with instructions.
Safety Net is 436.975 and should only be used for a real emergency situation requiring staff/medical assistance. This is not an open channel to communicate on.
All respawns have a safety perimeter of 100 ft and should be marked for opposing players to not engage. These areas are not off limits to others but no engagement or game interaction can be accomplished with this area. (no capture or acquisition of game elements)
Shooting into or camping the exit points of a respawn is not allowed
Shooting from within the 100 ft area of a respawn is not allowed
Each respawn can be deactivated by the lowering of the teams base flag. Each base flag is outside of the 100ft area of the Base HQ and visible. Should a flag be pulled down, all members in the respawn are restricted to the base HQ and may not leave. Only an outside source can reactivate the respawn.
Respawns are 60 seconds from the moment a player arrives at the base. Not the area.
The most important special instructions for this event is the simplest of them all. Come and have fun. This is just a silly game and at the end of the day we here at CZ want to know you have had a great day.
If you have any problems or issues in the day take a minute to find a ref or go to COMMAND and let us know. We will do our best to help you.
Happy Hunting
/// BT ///
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